Step 1
After being approved, login and click products in the top navigation. Then click the products listing menu option.
Step 2
Click the “Add Product” button on the right.
Step 3
Type of product
“Normal product” is the default and only option because we don’t yet support digital products. You can leave this option.
Product name
Enter your products name here, be creative!
Product Type
Select the type that matches best, it will help customers find your items.
Description (Optional)
Describe your product in detail, this will display next to your product on the storefront.
Images (Optional)
Upload one or many photos of the product you’re selling.
Step 4
Weight (Optional)
The weight of your product, this is optional.
Requires Shipping
Leave this option turned on. All products require shipping. (Does not specifically mean shipping the product, just means the item is physical (not digital) and requires being handed/delivered to the customer)
This is the price of your item.
Compare at price
This is used to show the product is on sale.
Example: If your product is originally $20 but on sale for $10. You would enter $10 in “Price” and $20 in the “Compare at price”. This will show it’s currently $10 off the original price of $20.
Step 5
SKU (Optional)
If you have SKUs for your products, enter it here. Not required.
Barcode (Optional)
If you have Barcodes for your products, enter it here. Not required.
Track Inventory
- Default option: “Do not track inventory” means your product has infinite inventory. You can sell as many as people want to buy.
- “Track this products inventory” means your product has limited inventory. Most artisans use this setting.
Allow customers to purchase this product when it’s out of stock
This setting lets customers purchase the product, even if you “Track this products inventory” and have 0 left.
This option is used if you want to continue selling but not keep the item on hand (you can make more when purchased). Most artisans leave this option unchecked.